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Banko Gotiti Ethiopia Filter

Banko Gotiti Ethiopia Filter

Narrative Coffee Stand

Orange Blossom, Lemon, White Tea

Origin: Gedeo, Ethiopia

Variety: Heirloom
Process: Washed
Producer: Banko Gotiti Station, BNT
Altitude: 1900-2100 masl


About the producer

Grown in the Gedeo zone, within the Gedeb woreda, the cherries in this lot come from smallholder farms, each about 2 hectares in size.

This coffee has been processed in Banko Gotiti, from cherries harvested by surrounding smallholders. It is sourced through one of Nordic Approach’s suppliers, BNT Industry & Trading PLC.

The Banko Gotiti washing station was established in 2009. It is located in the Gedeo zone, Gedeb woreda, and collects cherries from smallholder farms, each about 2 hectares in size and totaling 1300 hectares. Most of these farms are situated 1950-2100 meters above sea level. The name Banko Gotiti refers to a specific coffee profile.

Coffee production here is shade-grown and intercropped with agroforestry. Farmers grow indigenous trees and false bananas alongside their coffee plants. The current factory manager is called Museyid Sermelo. Our supply of this coffee is facilitated through BNT Industry & Trading PLC, which operates its own warehouse and dry mill and is Rainforest Alliance certified.

About the processing

Immature and overripe cherries are sorted out during the cherry quality inspection before the pulping process. An Agaard machine is used to separate the cherries based on density, without the use of flotation tanks. The mucilage is removed by fermenting the pulped cherries in a fermentation tank for 36 to 48 hours, depending on the weather. Parchment grading is done in the washing channel during the washing process. The coffee is then soaked for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Wastewater is not treated but kept in a lagoon, and groundwater is used in the process.

The coffee is dried on African drying beds for approximately 10 to 15 days. During the daytime, the cherries are continuously raked to ensure consistent drying. From 12 to 3 pm, the cherries are covered to protect them from the hot sun, and at night, the beds are covered to protect them from rainfall.

The parchment is stored in a warehouse on bamboo pallets and kept in jute bags for 1 month.

Regular price $26.50 SGD
Regular price Sale price $26.50 SGD
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