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Buena Aires Geisha Filter

Buena Aires Geisha Filter

Narrative Coffee Stand

Golden kiwi, nectarine, panela, floral

Origin: Valle del Cauca, Trujillo
Variety: Geisha
Process: Washed 
Producer: Café Granja La Esperanza
Altitude: 1750 masl


About the producer

Colombia Granja La Esperanza Geisha Buenos Aires  is sourced from a family owned estate located in the Valle del Cauca department, Colombia. The Granja, consisting of four distinct farms (Cerro Azul, Las Margaritas, La Esperanza, Potosi, and Hawaii), is managed by Rigoberto and Luis, two of eleven siblings following in the footsteps of their grandparents who began cultivating coffee in the Valle del Cauca in the 1930s. Rigoberto and Luis meticulously manage the various micro-climates throughout the four farms to ensure optimum adaptability for the Geisha variety and exceptional cherry maturation at Cerro Azul. 

About the processing

Coffee is stirred and sensorial tasted to determine the ideal fermentation based on the cup profile wanted. Fermentation time for this coffee ranges between 19 and 22 hours in whole cherries, then the cherries skin is taken out to start the second fermentation step in parchment, and mucilage lasts for 35 hours. once the coffee has been fully washed, it is mechanically dried. The temperature is closely monitored and ranges between 35 degrees and 45degrees celsius. The final humidity percentage is around 10.5%



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